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We're excited our carnival is almost here! 

There have been a few changes as we indicated there may be when we released the draw for our PSNA Greater Bank Junior Carnival to be held this Sunday 21 July 2024.

We thank you for your patience as we work to create a draw that provides for an enjoyable carnival for all attending. 

As a small Association we are limited by only have 10 courts, this means that there is not always the opportunity to create separate divisions for every age group, so we have done our best, with the information we have, to group teams together with similar age groups, while also considering the playing level, mix of ages in teams and rep players in teams. 

At PSNA inclusion and participation are important values so please let your teams and spectators know the following:

  1. Inclusivity and Fun: PSNA values inclusivity and fun. The carnival is an opportunity for junior teams from across the region to participate and enjoy the sport of netball.

  2. Participation Over Winning: The carnival is about participation, enjoyment, and skill development. Not everyone can win, but everyone can have a great time playing netball.

  3. Division Suitability: PSNA has carefully organized divisions to suit the needs of different teams. This ensures fair competition and appropriate challenges for all participants.

Remember, the focus is on fostering a positive experience for all players. Enjoy the carnival! 

The updated draw is now 'live' on PlayHQ and can be accessed via the Fixtures and Results feature on the home page of our Netball | Port Stephens Netball Association | Raymond Terrace website. 

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you all look at the new draw as the draw HAS CHANGED across all divisions created. 

We will have volunteers on site early but will be in set up mode ourselves between 6am and 7.30am.

From 7.30am our BBQ will have started cooking breakfast and our office will be open to check in and collect your information packs. Our canteen will be open from 8am. We do have eftpos available at our canteen. 


  • Don't forget this is an UMPIRE YOUR OWN event, and it is the responsibility of every team entered to have this organised and a back-up plan as we won't have extras spare on the day.

  • please provide your own playing patches and ball for each game 

  • we apply the International Rules of Netball this means NO JEWELLERY, and fingernails must be SHORT and SMOOTH 

  • we apply a modified version of the NetSetGo rules which can be found here Microsoft Word - Woolworths NetSetGO (, for the purpose of this carnival we will apply the 'GO' approach outlined in this document - umpires umpiring are also to apply common sense to the playing ability of the kids on the court as these divisions are focused on learning and fun.

  • player tents can be set up behind courts 7 to 10 and courts 5 and 6 on the grassed area 

  • NO tents are to be set up on the grassed area behind the Clubhouse OR on the grassed area between the round and the car park - this is for player safety.

  • New games will commence every 30 mins, this means game times will be 12 mins halves with 1 min between halves and only 2 minutes between rounds - it is important that teams move off and onto the courts in a timely manner - as all new rounds will commence on the hooter.

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